
We are proud to have been ranked among the top ten providers in its field and named “Company of the Year” in the special edition of CIO Applications magazine. The award highlights our joint engineering achievements in developing massively scalable high performance computing storage systems while providing superior economics and simple integrations.

As the key enabler in High-performance computing (HPC), leading enterprises across the diverse range of scientific, engineering, and industrial fields are count on NGX Storage to store and process huge amount of data to rapidly solve complex computational problems.

Our customers are using NGX-HPC solutions to generate new discoveries, innovate breakthrough products and services.

With the NGX-HPC solution, you get exabyte scale performance, industry leading cost efficiency and true “pay as you grow” solution for your high-performance data workloads.

Designed on top of NGX Hybrid storage architecture, the solution brings high-availability, groundbreaking multi TB/s throughput and seamless scalability. Furthermore, we adopt and provide new technologies to achieve both HPC and AI workloads. Get superior performance with 100Gb InfiniBand, 200GbE networking, NVMe based flash accelerators and 12Gb SAS connectivity.

NGX-HPC storage are delivered with hardware, software and proactive support from our engineers to simplify installation and provide faster time to results.

NGX-HPC enables you to:

  • Accelerate performance for different kind of data workloads.

  • Simple integration with your existing infrastructure.

  • 99.9999% consistent availability and reliability.

  • Cost-efficiency in both deploying and operating.


To learn more about NGX-HPC solutions, visit